Thursday, April 30, 2009

May 1: Post-Treatment - Message #1

I returned from Beike Bio-tech's stem cell treatment in Hangzhou, China 10 days ago (April 21). I took three days off from exercising to get over my jet lag, meet with friends and family, deal with some business matters surrounding my brother's death on March 15, and to assemble my new stationary exercise bike. On Saturday, April 25, I got starting on my bike riding, and have done so daily for 30 minutes.

I also began using my power recliner to do abdominal work. I lower the back of the chair and keep the foot rest nearly all the way down with a large rubber band wrapped around it and my legs to keep them from lifting up. Then I bend way forward then way back. I keep lowering the back of the chair until I can just barely do the sit-up and continue that for about 15 minutes. Then I stretch my legs and arms for 15minutes.

I am building a standing frame this weekend to stretch the back of my legs and work on posture (photos/video later). I will do this 30 minutes a day. I’m also building a good-sized work-out table. I will also start physical and occupational therapy in the next 7-10 days, but don’t know yet what all that will entail.

As of this post, I have not noticed any significant changes in either strength or endurance, but I know it will take time to rebuild muscle.

I returned to work on April 27, so my schedule is: up at 6:00 AM; return home at 6:00 PM; change, stretch for a few minutes, ride the bike for 30 minutes, sit-ups for 15 minutes then stretch for 15 minutes. I will be adding a TENS machine routine to this mix soon which will include 20 minutes of tricepts and foreamrs work, then 20 minutes of thigh work.

I will be doing a new walking and standing video in the next few days and post them here for your ongoing reference as to my progress - if any. After that, I will likely do them every 2 or 3 weeks.

Diet: I try to stick to a low-carb diet because I have Type II Diabetes. Mostly, meat and veggies with a little bit of diary and fresh fruit, but a few chips and a burger now and again seem to keep me going!

I’ve been told by my local MD expert, as well as the doctors at Beike, to begin Creatine powder supplement (5 g/day). I have not yet, but will be soon.

As always, please feel free to email me with your questions or post them here, as I check the blog often.


  1. i would probably expect maybe three months before change is evident

  2. Wish you a fast recovery
    Hebin M

  3. I will be anxious to see the video as it's hard to evaluate ourselves but others have a better idea of improvement or not. Keep at it. One question, before the Chinese treatment, were you able to do any situps? Iva

  4. Iva,

    Before I left for China I was not doing any sort of exercise. When I arrived they did a PT evaluation. I could do 10 or 15 sit-ups at that point. I don't count them now, I just go for 15 minutes.
